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Apple Valley's Kevin Britt has the unique opportunity to view the value of high school activities through different lenses:
A former participant, official, parent and as a leader with the League on the Officials Advisory Committee and president of Minneapolis Officials Association.

NASO group membership is available for MOA members. MSHSL insurance is provided in your dues paid to MSHSL. NASO is more than the additional insurance coverage. A link to NASO’s website is provided for you to learn more.
If you do have an interest, Please contact Byran Kemnetz
NASO website https://www.naso.org/member-benefits/
BENEFITS of Membership:
Liability insurance up to $6,000,000
Covers ALL sports for a full 12 months - not just when you're working MSHSL play but also summer games
Marriott Hotel Discounts
10% off at Ump-attire.com
Auto Rentals from Avis
20 percent discounts on publications from NASO and Referee
Other Benefits:
FREE Referee Magazine (full year) as part of your membership
The full amount of this fee is tax deductible (see tax advisor)​​​
Click the flyer to the left for more information